What is Fire Drama
The FIRE DRAMA is a new form of theatre, which we initiated and have been actively developing since 2006. We develop it as an expression and technical possibilities, we make sense of it on a theoretical level, we develop a methodology for its teaching and the preparation of actors in this field. We promote it among the audience and among professionals – at various local and international forums.
We define the FIRE DRAMA as:
A complex form of outdoor theatre, where in symbiosis coexist and interact two basic equivalent elements: the DRAMA and the FIRE.
The Fire Drama is based on the use of fire as the main means of expression (along with the expressiveness of the “speaking human body” and the theatrical action). The presence of fire
in the Fire Drama is semantically and stylistically justified – not an end in itself, looking for an external effect or impact on the viewer.
The main principle in Fire Drama is the achievement of symbiosis, synthesis, synergy –building a dynamic balance between the Fire and the Drama – which concerns the strenght of their presence, their semantics and impact.
The use of fire can include various performative techniques (fire spinning, fire juggling, fire manipulating, fire blowing and eating, flow arts, etc.) as well as fire drawings and installations, fire puppets and masks, fire costumes, pyro effects, etc.